ss+k_character__KEVIN SKOBAC
Kevin Skobac

NYC Donut Sampler

Winning Bid: $25.00

Item condition: New

I will curate a box of NYC’s best donuts for you and provide you a map to find and eat the rest.

(Available Anytime)

Until auction ends

Auction History

Auction has finished

Highest bidder was: tims

Date Bid User
2015-12-18 06:50:10$25.00Tim
2015-12-18 06:48:21$19.00Eric
2015-12-18 05:51:45$18.00Tim
2015-12-18 03:51:37$16.00Eric
2015-12-17 11:02:26$15.00Tina
2015-12-17 08:58:19$13.00Eric
2015-12-15 13:41:29$12.00Tina
2015-12-15 12:16:07$11.00Eric
2015-12-15 11:00:18$10.00Peter
2015-12-14 09:00Auction started