ss+k_character__BRETT MILLER
Brett Miller

Grilled Cheese Shipment

Winning Bid: $51.00

Item condition: New

I’ll ship a couple of grilled cheese sandwiches and a personalized note (so you know they’re not just any grilled cheeses) anywhere you want in the continental US or hand deliver in Manhattan or Brooklyn.

(Shipping Available Anytime)

(Hand Delivery Available in the New Year)

Until auction ends

Auction History

Auction has finished

Highest bidder was: Shari Mason

Date Bid User
2015-12-18 06:56:52$51.00Shari
2015-12-18 03:10:43$50.00David
2015-12-16 14:18:16$26.00Denise
2015-12-16 09:19:48$25.00scott
2015-12-16 07:26:59$24.00Susane
2015-12-16 07:23:05$23.00Shari
2015-12-16 05:04:41$22.00Susane
2015-12-16 04:14:16$21.00Shari
2015-12-16 03:59:06$20.00Christine
2015-12-14 09:00Auction started