ss+k_character__RICHARD SHEMO
Richard Schemo

A Day with Donatella the Dog

Winning Bid: $26.00

Item condition: New

Donatella is a registered emotional support animal. She’s a great listener and is a great companion for the highs and lows of the holiday season. (NYC only)

(Available in the New Year)

Until auction ends

Auction History

Auction has finished

Highest bidder was: Chris Berger

Date Bid User
2015-12-18 05:45:28$26.00Chris
2015-12-17 01:41:46$22.00atimpanaro40
2015-12-17 01:39:55$21.00atimpanaro40
2015-12-16 11:34:55$20.00Mary Liz
2015-12-16 04:53:39$15.00atimpanaro40
2015-12-14 09:00Auction started