SS+K was forged in the crucible of politics,

where change was the name of the game even before we helped Obama make it official in ’08. As a result, we thrive when the pressure is on, the time is short, and the stakes are high. Thinking politically and acting creatively means we work harder, move faster and ask smarter questions to distill the world’s most complex challenges into bigger, bolder, more unconventional ideas. We methodically mine culture and purposefully transcend channels to make work that lands and lasts.

For nearly 30 years, we’ve worked with both disruptors and the disrupted. And while some see change as an insurmountable obstacle, we see it as an incredible opportunity to reset, rediscover and redefine what comes next.

What we make, to make change

  • Asset 1Creative
  • Integrated Campaigns
  • Earned-First Activations
  • Content Creation
  • Branding
  • Identity Design
  • icn_service_2 Strategy
  • Brand Purpose
  • Brand Strategy
  • Messaging Strategy
  • Societal Actions
  • Issues and Policy
  • icn_mgmt Change Management
  • Corporate Reputation
  • Executive Consulting
  • CEO Communications
  • Media Relations
  • Business Transformation

SS+K tracks titanic shifts in culture through our proprietary Social Forces Monitor. This cultural monitoring tool allows us to identify and understand changing patterns in consumer behavior that have the gravitational pull to move people. We tap into these Social Forces to help brands and organizations create innovative business strategies, marketing, and communications.

Let’s talk about Social Forces that may be impacting your business

At SS+K, we’re advocates for equality, and we hold ourselves accountable to ensuring our team is a reflection of the evolving culture around us.

Our goal is to create a workspace that is open and inclusive — where ideas flow freely, differences are celebrated, spirited debates are welcome, big swings are always taken, and the lives we live outside of SS+K leave a mark on the work we do.

If this is you, give us a shout at [email protected]